Suesanne Polzin

Igniting the Fire Within: Overcoming MS to Live Your Best Life

Igniting the Fire Within: Overcoming MS to Live Your Best Life -

Taking bold steps toward a life you love can be intimidating, especially when managing Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Yet, embracing these steps is what helps us create a future full of possibility and joy. What if you allowed yourself to dream beyond your current reality with MS? Where could that lead you?

Here are three steps to start shaping the life you dream of, despite the challenges of MS:

1. Recognize and Embrace Your Discontent
Discontent signals from within that something more is meant for you, even while living with MS. Give yourself permission to acknowledge and explore your deeper desires. Let your dreams live in your heart as genuine possibilities. When you feel more alive and connected to your goals, that’s your inner compass guiding you in the right direction.

2. Use the Power of “Up Until Now…”
Living with MS may bring limitations, but your past doesn’t define your future. Instead of letting past challenges stop you, practice using the phrase “Up until now…” to free yourself from the weight of previous setbacks. You are not bound by what once was. Your future is waiting for you to step into it, roaring with new opportunities for growth and transformation.

3. Partner with the Divine to Achieve the Impossible
Co-creating with a Higher Power means acknowledging that you are never alone in this journey. Even with MS, you have the strength and support to overcome barriers and make your dreams come true. Begin each day by thanking God, then focus on one goal you thought was out of reach. For that day, believe it’s possible—and witness what changes within and around you.

Here’s to living your best life, with or without MS!

P.S. Want support in discovering and building your dreams?

In between my coaching and speaking schedule, I carve out a few strategy sessions each month. If you would like a complimentary strategy session (Value = $250), simply contact me here.


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