Suesanne Polzin

Four Steps to Unlocking Abundance While Managing MS

Four Steps to Unlocking Abundance While Managing MS -

Good news: you have the power to choose the kind of life you want to live, even while navigating the challenges of Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Some people repeat the same year over and over, but you have the chance to experience an ever-expanding life filled with abundance.

What kind of life are you ready to create?

Step 1: Ask Yourself If You’re Ready for Abundance

Think of two homes—one with electricity and one without. The wires are accessible to both, but only the house with light is connected to the power. The people in that home aren’t “lucky”; they’ve just learned how to tap into the energy source.

In much the same way, individuals who live abundant lives aren’t just fortunate. They’ve figured out how to align themselves with the universal laws that guide success and well-being. The truth is, abundance is available to all of us. It’s part of what we’re meant to experience, even while dealing with MS. The universe doesn’t withhold abundance; we tend to block it ourselves.

So, ask yourself: Are you truly open to the universe opening its doors for you? Are you willing to live at a higher level of abundance?

Step 2: Say a Wholehearted Yes!

Take your time when answering this question. By saying “Yes,” you set powerful forces in motion. If you’re fully committed, new opportunities will unfold simply from your decision to embrace abundance.

But if your mind responds with doubts, like “What does this mean?” or “What will I have to give up?”—then you may not yet be prepared for more. A hesitant answer signals that you’re not ready to expand into a life filled with more abundance.

On the other hand, a firm “Yes” will open the door to a life of greater harmony and abundance.

Step 3: Recognize Your “Set Point”

Deep within your beliefs is a “set point” that defines how much abundance you think you deserve. Curious about your set point? Just look at your current life—whether in relationships, finances, or emotional fulfillment. We tend to create lives that align with what we believe we deserve.

Sometimes extraordinary things do happen, like receiving an unexpected gift or bonus, but unless you’ve developed the consciousness to embrace and sustain that abundance, you’ll likely revert back to your original set point.

A telling example is that 90% of lottery winners return to their pre-lottery income within three years, regardless of how much they’ve won. The reason? Their inner set point pulls them back.

To truly live a life of abundance, you must develop a mindset that welcomes, stabilizes, and sustains prosperity.

Step 4: Fill the Bucket with Clean Water

Imagine a bucket filled with muddy water at the bottom. You don’t need to scoop the mud out to clean it; you just need to pour in fresh water. In time, the muddy water will be flushed out. Similarly, as you work on activating abundance, you will uncover beliefs that resist prosperity, like the idea that wealth is less spiritual than poverty.

You don’t have to dig up all your old limiting beliefs. Focus instead on pouring in the clear water of your new mindset. With time, those limiting beliefs will fade away, leaving room for the abundance that was always meant for you—even in the face of MS.

By following these steps, you’ll begin to embrace abundance, not just in material wealth, but in health, relationships, and emotional well-being. You deserve it.

P.S. Want support in discovering and building your dreams?

In between my coaching and speaking schedule, I carve out a few strategy sessions each month. If you would like a complimentary strategy session (Value = $250), simply contact me here.


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