Suesanne Polzin


Meet Suesanne

Suesanne Polzin, certified life coach, smiling warmly in a professional portrait
Susanne Polzin Certified BTI DreamBuilder Life Coach

As a DreamBuilder Coach certified by the Brave Thinking Institute, Suesanne Polzin is dedicated to helping you create and realize a life that aligns with your Soul’s purpose. She inspires and empowers individuals to embrace their highest vision through love and joy. Suesanne is passionate about guiding clients to discover their true potential, achieve remarkable success, and cultivate a life they genuinely LOVE living—whether that involves healing from past trauma or navigating the complexities of Multiple Sclerosis (MS).

Suesanne is an inspiring speaker, passionate educator, and a highly sought after transformational coach.

Suesanne offers content-rich, interactive workshops that takes participants on a journey in which they design, define, test, and experience a crystal-clear vision of the life they would love – a life that is in alignment with their highest purpose. They will have a unique opportunity to “step into” the life they are imagining and feel a resounding “yes!”

Now combining this background with the proven Brave Thinking® technology, Suesanne is helping clients achieve extraordinary results in accelerated time – helping them transform their lives and close the gap between the life they were living and a life they absolutely LOVE living.

Wonderful things are seeking to happen with you. They don’t happen by pursuing what you think is possible based on your situation, circumstances or outside conditions. They happen by living from a vision that is born from the question, “What would I LOVE?” I can show you how.
Suesanne Polzin

Work With Me


Susanne Polzin Group DreamBuilder Coaching

Focused Group Coaching

When you join a supportive community of individuals who truly understand your experiences—whether you’re on the path to recovery from domestic abuse or managing the complexities of Multiple Sclerosis (MS)—you open the door to incredible transformations. You broaden your network of compassionate relationships, creating opportunities to both offer and receive support. This connection fosters a deep sense of belonging to something greater than yourself.

One-on-One Coaching

 In my Individual Coaching sessions, clients not only gain valuable insights from personalized guidance but also have the opportunity to explore their challenges in a safe, nurturing environment. Many individuals discover that this one-on-one approach alleviates feelings of isolation, allowing them the space to reflect on their journey and integrate meaningful insights that promote healing and personal development.