Suesanne Polzin

Embrace Your Restlessness

Embrace Your Restlessness -

We don’t always know what our life’s purpose is or where our journey is meant to lead. Sometimes, we are filled with so many dreams that it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. But one thing is certain—if you’re feeling restless or discontent, you’re not fully living your dream.

For individuals managing Multiple Sclerosis (MS), this restlessness can be particularly challenging. The longing for something greater, even when you’re unsure of the direction, is a call from within—a sign from the universe urging you to move toward your higher good. Discontent is often the first clue to discovering your true desires.

When you feel uneasy or unsettled, don’t push those emotions aside, even if you’re unsure of their meaning. Numbing yourself to those feelings can stifle your potential for creating something greater. Instead, bring your discontent to the surface, examine it, and let it guide you toward a more meaningful life. This unrest is encouraging you not to settle for less but to strive for a richer, fuller existence despite the limitations MS may impose.

It’s also essential not to let others’ judgments dampen your dreams or suppress your sense of discontent. Sometimes, the people around us may criticize or try to limit our aspirations. But your restlessness is a sign from the universe, reminding you that you’re meant for more. Don’t let anyone else’s voice be louder than your own inner calling. You were not born to live a confined or limited life. You have boundless potential to create a life aligned with your purpose, no matter the circumstances.

Dreams, desires, and even discontent tug at your heart because you were made for more. Allow this inner tension to spark a fire that ignites your true purpose. You’ll know your desire is authentic when talking about it fills you with energy and motivation, even if the outcome feels distant.

Use that positive energy to engage fully in the path that’s been set for you. By honoring your discontent, you are paving the way to your greater good, embracing your life’s purpose, and moving toward a future filled with abundance—even while living with MS.

P.S. Want support in discovering and building your dreams?

In between my coaching and speaking schedule, I carve out a few strategy sessions each month. If you would like a complimentary strategy session (Value = $250), simply contact me here.


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