Suesanne Polzin

The Story of Your Life

The Story of Your Life -

Will your dream life become your reality? Two factors will decide the answer.

A middle-aged man entered a bank and approached the counter. He handed the teller a check and asked, “Can I cash this check?”

The teller inspected the check and said, “Sure, just sign the back, and I’ll give you the money.”

The man hesitated, replying, “Wait! I’m not comfortable signing it. You’ll have my check with my name, and you might not give me the money.”

The teller explained, “Sir, you must sign the check before I can process it. That’s the bank’s policy.”

“I get that,” the man responded, “but what if you don’t give me the money after I sign?”

The teller remained firm, “That’s the process. If you want the money, you’ll need to trust the system and sign.”

Frustrated, the man left and visited another bank. Once again, he refused to sign the check and argued with a different teller, who also denied his request.

Finally, he arrived at a third bank. The scenario played out again, but this time the teller, fed up, reached under the counter, grabbed a rubber bat, and gave the man a light tap on the head. “Sign the darn check!” the teller demanded.

Shocked, the man quickly signed the check and handed it over. The teller smiled, gave him the money, and wished him a good day.

The man, now satisfied, returned to the first bank and proudly declared, “I got my money down the street!”

The first teller replied, “Yeah, but I bet you still had to sign the check, right?”

The man nodded, “Well, yeah, I did. But no one explained it to me like they did.”

Factor 1: The Power of Clarity

You can have the life you desire, but to make it happen, you need to be clear about what you want. This is the Law of Specificity. Just as you wouldn’t ask a builder for a “good house” without providing detailed plans, you can’t expect the universe to fulfill vague wishes.

Design your life with intention. Be specific about what you want to create and how you want to feel. That’s step one.

Factor 2: Are You Ready to Commit?

In this process of healing and building a new life, the universe asks, “Are you all in?”

It’s not enough to ask for a dream and sit back. You must be willing to sign your name—to commit your whole self. You have to align your actions, thoughts, and energy with what you want to manifest.

Survivors of domestic abuse often struggle with self-doubt, wondering, What if it doesn’t work out? What if I get hurt again? But to achieve the life you deserve, you have to put your fears aside. You don’t need to have all the answers upfront. Take the leap, and the path will unfold as you go.

Your name, “I am,” is sacred. What follows those words—I am capable, I am strong, I am worthy—will shape your life. When you commit to your new reality and align your thoughts with your desired future, a remarkable transformation occurs.

As you embrace the Laws of Vibration and Attraction, you’ll notice opportunities, resources, and people appearing to help you along the way. Just like the teller will give you your money once you’ve signed the check, the universe will provide the life you’ve asked for, once you commit fully.

The key questions to ask yourself are: What do you really want? And are you ready to sign your name to it?

P.S. Want support in discovering and building your dreams?

In between my coaching and speaking schedule, I carve out a few strategy sessions each month. If you would like a complimentary strategy session (Value = $250), simply contact me here.



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