Suesanne Polzin

Unlocking Your Inner Genius: Thriving with MS

Unlocking Your Inner Genius: Thriving with MS -

A fascinating study conducted at Harvard, known as the Zero Point study, focused on understanding the nature of genius over a ten-year period. The genius capacity, often displayed by those who bring forth groundbreaking ideas or foster social change, is something that can elevate us to new levels of living. But what exactly is this capacity, and how can it be accessed, especially when managing Multiple Sclerosis (MS)?

What Does Genius Really Mean?

Researchers found that genius is defined by how many ways a person can take in, process, and use information. We all have various modes of absorbing knowledge—whether it’s through listening, seeing, sensing, or even intuition.

The startling discovery is that 99% of babies—including you and me—operate at genius levels during the first 18 months of life. Yet by age five, only 22% of us remain at this high capacity, and by age 20, that number drops to a mere 2%.

What Causes This Decline?
The researchers concluded that internal self-criticism and doubt are the main culprits. As we grow, we start questioning ourselves, seeking validation from others, and hesitating to trust our own potential. Living with MS can sometimes heighten this self-doubt, but it doesn’t have to shut down your genius.

Reconnect with Your Genius Self

No matter your challenges with MS, your genius capacity still resides within you. Today, take a moment to reconnect with it. Trust in your unique brilliance, believe in your dreams, and know that you have the ability to make a powerful impact in your life and the world.


P.S. Want support in discovering and building your dreams?

In between my coaching and speaking schedule, I carve out a few strategy sessions each month. If you would like a complimentary strategy session (Value = $250), simply contact me here.


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